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Learning opportunities for entrepreneurs

Learning opportunities for entrepreneurs

Learning opportunities for entrepreneurs
Photo by Vlada Karpovich from Pexels

Good. Better. Best. Never shall I rest. Until I know absolutely everything there is to know about entrepreneurship! These are the learning opportunities for entrepreneurs that we’ve got available this year.

You have big dreams and ambitions. You’ve already created so much in your own business, yet you know you are capable of creating so much more. You want to change the world. Build something massive. Break boundaries. Leave a legacy.

You know that knowledge is everything in entrepreneurship. You’ve learned so much already. You know there’s still so much more for you to learn. You wish you had the time to spend learning about all the methods the successful entrepreneurs are using, know and love.

You wish there was a place you could go to where people could just teach what you need to know, share what’s been working for them and point you in the right direction.

You’ve taken many courses and signed up for many learning solutions, but nothing has really hit that spot. You get sick at the thought of having to waste one more hour of your time listening to ‘training’ that sounds really great in theory but does nothing for you in practice.

You need training that gives you RESULTS. And you need it delivered in a way that fits into your current entrepreneurial schedule.

Is this you? If this sounds familiar, then I’m about to really excite you, because that is exactly the types of training solutions we’ve built!

Let me explain…

The need for learning opportunities for entrepreneurs

So we started Explore ProTech knowing that we had A LOT to learn about entrepreneurship if we were going to not only be successful entrepreneurs but also empower our entrepreneurial family members to be successful entrepreneurs. That’s why we had to invent the ultimate learn-while-you-build entrepreneurial learning solution.

52 Learning opportunities for entrepreneurs on the Coffee Shop Conversations Show

We did this by firstly building our Coffee Shop Conversations Show for Entrepreneurs space. In short, this is a space where all the entrepreneurs in our network are invited to get together, for an hour, to discuss a certain topic relevant to entrepreneurship.

The whole thing is streamed live on Youtube. The focus is on giving practical advice and tips to entrepreneurs – based on what we’ve actually experienced in our own entrepreneurial practices. By showing up once a week, for an hour, and either participating on Zoom or Youtube, you’ll get the inside tips from entrepreneurs that are actually making a living using these tips.

Learning opportunities for entrepreneurs
Photo by SHVETS production from Pexels

It’s an incredibly powerful learning tool. And the fact that you get to connect with entrepreneurs from all around the world in the process, is just such a cool cherry on top. By showing up for one hour each week in this space you will increase your knowledge, your visibility, and your connections 52 times each year.

It’s completely free to show up and take part in the experience on Youtube every week. All you need to do is subscribe and click the bell notifications icon to be notified of when we go live.

52 further Learning opportunities for entrepreneurs at Tribe Training

But we didn’t stop there. The Coffee Shop Conversation Show for Entrepreneurs provides an almost purely practical, discussion-based space for learning. It’s an awesome way to learn, but we wanted more! We wanted a space in which industry experts would show up and teach us something useful that we could almost immediately implement practically in our businesses.

So we created it and called it Tribe Training. Tribe Training is a space in which we spend one hour each week. Each week we have a different industry expert visit us and teach us something practical that we can immediately implement in our businesses. The training style is engaging and impactful, with the focus on taking away something you can almost immediately practically implement in your business to make it better.

Learning opportunities for entrepreneurs
Photo by Mikhail Nilov from Pexels

It’s an incredibly powerful learning environment. Attending entrepreneurs are also encouraged to share their comments, questions, and experiences as a way of getting to know each other and ‘learn together.’ In this way, not only are you getting some of the latest most amazing expert training in entrepreneurship, but you’re also building relationships through shared experience – both with the industry expert and your fellow entrepreneurial learners.

By committing to showing up to Tribe Training every week you’re committing to upgrading your business in small, practical, manageable ways 52 times during the year. How incredible is that? Can you go anywhere else, but upwards, by committing to doing this?

Tribe Training is usually reserved for our entrepreneurial family members only. But sign up for our email list, and follow us on Linkedin, because every now and again, we do invite entrepreneurs from the outside to join us. These invites are usually posted on our Linkedin, Instagram, and Facebook pages and sent out to our list of email friends.

How to take advantage of our Learning opportunities for entrepreneurs

So there you have it – a reminder of WHY it is so important to keep on learning, improving, and upgrading on your entrepreneurial journey. And a solution for where you can go to make sure this happens.

Join us at the Coffee Shop Conversations Show for Entrepreneurs every week free of charge. Then, if you enjoy that and want to experience Tribe Training, either sign up for our email list and keep an eye out for invites or figure out if you’d like to indeed become one of our entrepreneurial family members by commencing the “dating the tribe” process.

We hope you enjoyed reading this blog post!

May you do everything in your power to make all your wildest entrepreneurial dreams come true!

Lots of love,

Peter & Nestene

PS: Do you know an industry expert that would be interested in training our entrepreneurial family members? Please send them this!

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