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What is the Energy Angels League by Explore ProTech?

What is The Energy Angels League by Explore ProTech?

The Energy Angels League is built on the belief that, when we as entrepreneurs, work together, we can create something amazing, out of nothing.

This League is for entrepreneurs that truly buy into the belief that we don’t have to wait around for something great to happen to us, we just need to be smart about what’s going on in our environment, and then work together to create something that will benefit all of us.

We don’t have to wait around for something great to happen to us.

If we look back at the story of how Explore ProTech Entrepreneurial Haven was built – that is very much what it came down to. Me and Peter had absolutely nothing at that point in time, except for our experience, skills and wits.

Peter put his skills in gathering people to work, and I put my skills in strategy to work and we started creating exciting projects that our entrepreneurs could pull off together, without the need for cash upfront. The Fempreneur Project was one of those projects.

And a lot of these projects, like the Fempreneur project, paid off for the entrepreneurs involved, and the community supporting the movement, in a big way.

Now we are ready to pull off our BIGGEST work together project yet.

The Energy Angels League is going to become the engine room that builds Explore ProTech Entrepreneurial Haven from being a home for 80 happy, healthy, fun, authentic, caring, teachable, supportive entrepreneurs to being that same home but for 500 entrepreneurs.

Our tribe was built on energy and this league will provide us with the energy needed to go from 80 to 500. And to go from 500 to Forbes 500.

How will we do that?

The most fun, authentic, caring, teachable, supportive entrepreneurs from around the world.

We will fill our Energy Angels League with the most fun, authentic, caring, teachable, supportive entrepreneurs from around the world that have the energy needed to help us build what we need to build.

These entrepreneurs will want to join our tribe, but for whatever reason it will make more sense to them to contribute $140 in labor, than $65 in cash on a monthly basis. These entrepreneurs will be passionate about building their businesses and the Explore ProTech home.

They will see the benefits of both, believe in both, and be willing to put in the energy, work and dedication required to build both. And all of that energy will result in accelerated growth – for their own businesses and for our Haven.

How will we achieve accelerated growth for their own businesses?

Camaraderie built through shared experience

Members of the Energy Angels League will experience cameraderie build through shared experiences.

Energy Angel League members will be required to attend weekly meetings and participate in a whatsapp group chat with fellow members.

They will actively work together to build our home. During this process they will form relationships, showcase their skills and become bound together by the magical power of shared experience.

If you’ve ever done anything with a team, be that team sport, teamwork, team building, you understand the kind of camaraderie that builds between the members of that team as the team members share the experience of working together towards a common goal.

In this case, that common goal is the building of the Haven – first to the point of 500 members, and then to the point of 500 Forbes members and the experience is whatever we’re going to do to get there.

Special Wings

Members of the Energy Angels League will receive special wings.

Members of the Energy Angels League will also receive increased recognition, respect and appreciation from the inhabitants of the haven. They will receive special wings to display on their Tribe Zoom backgrounds, so that tribe members will find it easy to pick them out in any situation.

Tribe members will know that anyone that is wearing these wings actively work on a weekly basis to help build the haven that all of us have become so fond of and that helps all of our entrepreneurs build at an accelerated pace so they will receive increased support from our tribe members.

Access to the haven they’re helping to build

Energy Angel League members receive access to the haven they help build.

Members of the Energy Angels League will have access to the Entrepreneurial Haven they help create as well as all the benefits this haven produces. This same haven has helped produce insane success stories for entrepreneurs around the world and is literally built to enable entrepreneurs to accelerate their entrepreneurial journeys.

Because the angels will be improving and building on the solid foundation that is already there, they will directly be able to benefit from the fruits of their collective efforts.

Lead Generation foundation

Energy Angels will become super connectors.

One of the processes the Energy Angels League will be responsible for is the lead generation process for the haven. This process involves finding, talking to and ‘dating’ various entrepreneurs from around the world. Because this function requires all haven members to become super-connectors, these entrepreneurs will benefit from being in the flow of this lead generation process. This flow process has been and will further be developed to feed both their own businesses and the Explore ProTech Tribe.

Introductions and conversations with the right people are the lifeblood of any business venture and all angels will have an abundance of this.

How will Explore ProTech Entrepreneurial Haven achieve accelerated growth through this process?

All the processes that keep Explore ProTech running will be fueled by the energy contributed by Energy Angels.

All the processes that keep Explore ProTech running, will be fueled by the energy supplied through the Explore ProTech Energy Angels League.

What happens to Energy Angels that grow out of the League?

The goal from the get-go will be for Energy Angel League members to grow to a point where they can afford the membership fee. At this point in time, their business ventures will have grown to the point where energy, and not cash is their constraining factor.

Energy Angels will be assisted to outgrow the league.

At this point in time it will make more sense for them to leave the league and become paying members of the Explore ProTech Entrepreneurial Haven. The funds raised through their membership fees will further be utilized to grow the haven through paid labor and solutions.

Together with the energy being contributed by the remaining angels, this will become a powerful combination of resources to further accelerate the build of the haven and its members.

Paid members will focus on contributing their membership fees, building relationships in the tribe and raising their visibility in the community, whilst contributing to profit share projects they choose to be involved in. This will assist them in growing their businesses to the point where neither cash, nor energy is a constraint on the growth of their businesses.

The goal from the get-go will be for Energy Angel League members to grow to a point where they can afford the membership fee.

At this point in time it will make sense to them to become sponsors of the community. Sponsors will be featured as living legends in the community that have successfully gone through the full cycle process.

Sponsors will be made visible through all the solutions they themselves have helped build and they will actively continue to diversify their business ventures, build their revenue streams and encourage and advise their fellow Explore ProTech tribe members to get to their level.

With the help of the sponsors providing that ‘hand up’ to the rest of our tribe members it will make it easier for all of us to get to sponsorship level. From sponsorship level we then work together in the same way to get ourselves to the Forbes 500 level.

Who will be allowed to join the energy angels league?

Entrepreneurs that have energy to contribute, that are willing to learn, that are fun, authentic, caring, teachable and supportive and have proven that they can build relationships with our entrepreneurs through successfully dating the tribe will be allowed to join the Energy Angels League.

Entrepreneurs that we are especially hoping to recruit for the energy angels league include, at the moment:

  • Virtual Assistants
  • Copywriters
  • Graphic Designers
  • Web Developers
  • Digital Marketing Strategists
  • Lead Generation Specialists

What will be required of our energy angels?

Energy Angels will be required to:

Energy Angels will use their energy to build our haven.
  • Attend one 1 hour meeting per week to talk about what needs to be done, who is doing what and how we are planning on accomplishing what needs to be accomplished.
  • Get 1 entrepreneur per week to book a meeting to ‘date the tribe’
  • Contribute towards building the haven through taking on responsibilities as these are shared in the weekly meetings (up to 4 hours per month)

As this process develops we look forward to sharing the success stories of our Energy Angels League with you!

For now, if you’ve got energy to contribute, and you’re looking to accelerate your entrepreneurial journey, and if you’re a fun, authentic, caring, teachable, supportive entrepreneur that believes in the greater vision of Explore ProTech Entrepreneurial Haven and want to help make that vision become a reality, book a meeting with Nestene and Peter so we can discuss what joining the league could look like for you.